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BioPerformance Blog Offers Another Point of View

A blog dedicated to sharing information about the GreenGenie BioPerformance Team.
Bruce Goldwell just created his own blog to share information about the progress of a new company out of Texas called BioPerformance.  This blog will have updates about the growth of the company, the successes the BioPerformance Independent Representative are having building their business and allow others to add feedback about their contact with those involved in the business.  Not everyone who has used the fuel saving gas pill has had success in saving money at the pump. However, in Goldwell's first blog he offers the following for readers.

Since BioPerformance first started in December 2005 over 12,000 people have enrolled to market the fuel saving gas pill. The company doesn’t guarantee any fuel savings to anyone. They have offered the product which people can try on their vehicle to see if they get better gas mileage or not. For some the results are better then expected and for others there is some disappointment. Not everyone gets better gas mileage and some get very little. However, most people that have tried the new fuel saving pill have had excetional results which has resulted in a savings at the gas pump.

Just like people who purchase prescriptions and other pharmacy products, not everyone gets the best of results which means that not everyone will continue to buy the gas pill because it saves them money on fuel cost. Many will continue to purchase the fuel pill even when they get minimal results because the upside to the whole matter is that they will - in fact - make money when they find others who want to purchase the pill that DO get better gas mileage. With this new fuel additive people have the opportunity to save money, make money or both. For those that get better gas mileage they save money on fuel. For those that enroll to market the gas pill they will make money. For those that get better mileage and are successful at marketing the pill (or powder), they will save money and make money.

Another perspective: When a person buys a pill for a headache and it doesn’t work for them. The pharmacy doesn’t stop selling the product. They continue to sell the product to those it works for. For those the pill does NOT work for, they meerly find another product that is comparable to the headache pill that didn’t work. The same is true with BioPerformance! People will continue to buy the product because they can either save money with it, make money with it or BOTH!

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