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USS Lexington Museum: From the War to the Education

The USS Lexington is a ship that formed part of the defense of the US during the World War II, by the 80’s it was retired because its maintenance was becoming very expensive. Due to that situation the Secretary of the Navy decided to replace the USS Lexington by a ship that was more modern. That is how in the year 1990 the Navy decided to substitute the USS Lexington with a new ship called the USS Forrestal. Immediately after this announcement several communities decided to compete to obtain the old ship.

After a time, the Secretary of the Navy decided to give the ship to the community of Corpus Christ that already had a naval station. On January 1992 the Lexington arrived to the coast of the town and became the new neighbor of the habitants of the city. During the same year the people who received the ship, opened it as a museum which is dedicated to representatives of the City, State and Federal Governments and also to some veterans associations.

Today this museums keeps its doors open for all those who are interested in learning a little bit more about the importance of the use of these kinds of ships for the defense of the US. The maintenance of the ship museum is totally self sufficient. They do not receive any help of the government or any other public or private institutions.

It is a non for profit organization which gets its funds from the entrance fee and also from the sales of the souvenir and gift shops inside the ship. If you visit the town of Corpus Christi, do not miss the chance and visit the USS Lexington museum and learn about one of the most important aircraft carriers in the history of the US defense.

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