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World’s Most Widely-Read Magazine.

Are psychic skills entering the mainstream? Mega-circulation The Reader’s Digest selects book on the government’s mind-warfare remote viewing program as major feature for March 2006 issue.

AUSTIN, TX  Of the thousands of books published in the United States every year, only ten are chosen to be Book Bonus features in the monthly issues of Reader’s Digest.  Often the books have to do with the human drama of ordinary people overcoming great challenges.  But the March issue breaks with this tradition, featuring a book that is about a little known and unexpectedly-successful Department of Defense effort to use the powers of the human mind as a secret weapon in America’s defense.

Written by retired Army intelligence officer Major Paul H. Smith, who worked for seven years as a military psychic spy, or “remote viewer,” the book, Reading the Enemy’s Mind: Inside Star Gate – America’s Psychic Espionage Program (Tor/Forge, 2005) is excerpted for the Digest’s 40-million readership into a compact twelve pages, including striking photographs by nationally-recognized photographer Michael O’Brien.

The 500-plus page book covers a wide variety of subjects and stories relating to the remote viewing “mind-warfare” program.  Many of these stories have now been verified by the Central Intelligence Agency’s recent declassification and release of 90,000 pages of formerly top-secret documents.

The Reader’s Digest’s excerpt of Reading the Enemy’s Mind narrows the focus to a brief summary of the scientific development of remote viewing and of Maj. Smith’s remote-viewing career to provide context for three dramatic stories drawn from the pages of the book: How a surprise attack on an unsuspecting American Naval vessel was described in detail 50 hours before it actually happened; how this small group of Army psychic spies used their mental powers to try to find kidnaped DEA agent Enrique Camerena before it was too late; and how some of these same folks gave accurate descriptions of CIA mole Aldrich Ames years before he was finally captured.

“This was a great honor for me and my book,” says Smith from his home in Austin, Texas.  “More importantly, it will spread the word that there is far more to the human mind – the human being as a whole – than many people today believe.”  Through his company Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Smith has built on his years as a military remote viewing trainer and experienced “psychic spy” to become one of the most respected teachers of remote viewing skills to the public. “At the end of the experience, I hope that all of my students and every reader of my book, and now of this Reader’s Digest article, takes with them one realization:  That the physical world us is just a part – perhaps not even the most important – of the total human experience.”

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