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Get Rid of Your Phone Vendor, a new telephone freelance website, has been recently launched allowing businesses to get rid of their phone vendors.

Businesses are using the power of the internet and secure remote tools to utilize certified engineers remotely. This service allows businesses, who were once bound by single proprietary vendors, to contract out or send out for bidding, simple moves, adds, changes and request for quotes for their phone systems. This shifts the buying power and control to the end user and allows the business to set the price and choose the time.

“This undertaking creates a paradigm shift for the telephone industry.” says Rick Cruz owner of, “No longer do businesses have to depend on sometimes slow or unreliable phone vendors for service. gives them options that just didn’t exist before.” Traditionally phone systems are proprietary in nature and require specialized training and certifications to program them; thus the need for specialized vendors. Now with secure remote access; moves, adds and changes can be completed remotely from qualified individuals in a matter of minutes rather then days or sometimes even weeks. offers free templates for requests for quotes, and even allows job postings to their network of freelancers. There are certifications which freelancers can attain in order to verify their information for safety purposes. Also businesses can be verified so freelancers can rest easy and know they will be paid for their work. also offers a safe escrow service to protect both sides from financial harm. is a division of, a free Pbx information site, with over 17,000 registered phone system professionals. strives to bring businesses and qualified phone system individuals together to complete telephony projects remotely and efficiently.

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